Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment never comes to mind until your dentist tells you that you need treatment. Root canals are small passages that run from the back of your tooth to the tip and are important for your overall dental health. Teeth contain one to four root canals, and if any of them become infected or affected by trauma, they can cause a tremendous amount of pain. Most commonly, a buildup of bacteria can cause the need for root canal treatment.

Root canal treatment is historically a newer practice, as in the past, infected teeth had to be extracted. Fortunately today, root canal treatment allows our team to remove diseased tissue and save the affected tooth. This treatment has a high success rate, stops the spread of infection and restores the health of your teeth.

Signs You May Need Root Canal Treatment

When an infection develops in your mouth, it can affect the root canal. The infection can spread to the inner chamber of the tooth called the pulp. This living tissue contains blood vessels, nerves and other tissues. Problems in the pulp can cause a variety of symptoms, including

  • Severe toothache when chewing or biting
  • Prolonged tooth sensitivity to cold or hot temperatures
  • Swelling around the infected tooth
  • Small pus pockets around the tooth
  • Tooth discoloration

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, contact DR BC Dental Clinic immediately for an appointment.

Root Canal Treatment Procedure

The duration of root canal treatment varies and can take between one and three visits. At the first visit, one of our doctors will drill a small hole through the top of the tooth into the inner chamber. We will then remove the diseased tissue, clean and disinfect it. The root canals are then reshaped. An elastic material and medicine fill the chambers to prevent infection.

Typically, root canal treatment is painless and causes minimal discomfort.

What to Expect After Root Canal Treatment

After your procedure, a follow-up appointment will be scheduled to remove the temporary filling in the canal of your tooth. The dentist will place a crown over the tooth or use a smooth filling for protection. This will allow the infected tooth to heal fully and healthily. Your mouth may be sensitive for a few days after treatment, but this is normal. This restored tooth typically lasts a lifetime with proper dental care!

To make sure you will not need to undergo this procedure again, practice good dental habits! Brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing regularly and visiting your dentist often will prevent your teeth from becoming infected! These preventive measures will increase the longevity and maintain the health of your smile.

Root Canal Treatment with DR BC Dental Clinic

Our team of professional and experienced dentists will determine whether you need root canal treatment. If you are unsure, please contact us to schedule a consultation. We can determine if this treatment is right for you!